Add a youtube video in a blog post

Add a youtube video in a blog post

Access the video

The link of your youtube video is composed in 3 parts:

youtube* part
part watch
unique parameter, identifier of your video

It is this identifier that you will have to select, copy and insert in the code below (in line 3, before the ?\), instead of the identifier used for the example.

<You'll need to copy and paste the text into the code below (in line 3, before the ?\), in place of the identifier used for the example.
    <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
        <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Once you have inserted your video's ID into the code, you can copy the entire code and go to your Ciklik account control panel.

Adding the video from Ciklik

In our example, the video is added in the home page of the site. We want to replace an image by the video.

In order to do this, you have to position yourself in the modification window of the home page, switch to "**source code**" mode and locate the photo you want to replace with the video.

Delete the line of code that corresponds to the insertion of the photo and paste the previously copied code there.

By saving the changes, it is then possible to see that the video has been added to the home page, instead of the photo.

You can add a video to your homepage, content pages or blog post from the editing windows that allow you to access the source code.

Updated on: 24/01/2023

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