Change your IBAN

Modify your IBAN

Update the IBAN on which you receive Stripe transfers

You can modify your IBAN from the admin, by clicking on Sites then click on the little eye (see) and choose in the drop-down menu Actions "**link a bank account**".

It is on this account that you will receive the amounts of the transactions made on your site.

Update the account on which you are debited at the beginning of each month for your Ciklik subscription

To change your IBAN for Ciklik direct debits each month, click on Sites and then click on the little eye (see). Then, on the top right corner, you have "Actions". Open the drop down menu, and choose : Create a direct debit mandate. Then let yourself be guided!

If you receive a message saying that the link has expired, you can restart the procedure to receive a new email and use the link it contains.

Updated on: 24/01/2023

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