Subscription management
Subscription management
What information do I find in the details of a subscription?
In the section 1.Orders > Subscriptions of your control panel you will find the list of subscriptions placed on your site. When a subscriber places an order for a subscription and the transaction is successful, it generates an order and automatically a subscription.
In the subscription details, you will find :
the unique id of the subscription placed
the formula in question (you can indeed create several formulas, monthly, 3 months, 6 months, ...): this allows you to access the settings of your formula
the subscriber's email address: this will allow you to access the customer's file
the site on which the order is placed (from your Ciklik account, you can indeed manage several box sites)
the carrier, and possibly the relay point, selected by the subscriber (among the active delivery methods on your site for the subscription)
For a subscription, several dates are entered:
For a subscription, several dates are entered**: * created on: this corresponds to the day the order is placed by the subscriber on your site
start date: this date is filled in automatically according to the settings of your formulas and your billing period, and never changes
if your billing period is from the 1st to the 10th of the month, for a monthly plan, if I subscribe between March 11th and April 10th for example, the start date will be April 1st
First renewal*: this is the date on which the first renewal is scheduled for the subscription:
in the previous example, if I subscribe on March 15th to a monthly box, I paid the April box and the first renewal will be on May 1st
if I had subscribed to a 3 months package, I would have pre-paid the boxes of April, May and June and the first renewal would be scheduled on July 1st
expiration: this is the date on which the subscription expires, i.e. the day before the tacit renewal of the subscription. Please note that 5 days before this expiration date, in the case of a long subscription such as 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, an automatic email is sent to the subscriber to inform him/her of the renewal of his/her subscription, this is a legal obligation.
Next payment*: this date is updated according to the subscription renewals and past transactions
when renewing a monthly subscription on the 1st of month M, the next payment date will be updated to the 1st of month M+1
when renewing a monthly subscription on the 1st of month M, if the transaction is unsuccessful on the 1st, a new debit attempt is scheduled and there can be up to 4 debit attempts.
If the subscriber pauses the subscription, the next collection date is shifted accordingly, depending on the number of months selected for the grace period. If the subscriber cancels the pause, a transaction is scheduled on the next billing cycle.
If the subscriber cancels the pause, a transaction is scheduled for the next billing cycle. If I cancel the pause on: this is a date entered in the case where the subscription is created following the activation of a gift card (and the gift card field is filled in)
if I activate my gift card where I was offered 3 boxes on March 15th, the subscription will be cancelled on June 31st
Finally, several subscription statuses are possible :
an active subscription (active box checked in green) corresponds to a current subscription that is renewed by tacit agreement, usually on the 1st of each month.
A subscription remains active even if the order is closed when the subscription is renewed because there have been 4 unsuccessful attempts to debit the account. In this case, you can find this type of subscription by selecting the active and expired subscription filters from your list of subscriptions. For the same subscription where the order is closed, a new collection date is generated for the next renewal.
An inactive subscription (active box checked in red) is a cancelled subscription. It does not have a next payment date. This means that :
either the subscriber from his account has stopped his subscription
or you have passed the action "cancel" from the control panel for this subscription
a pause subscription (pause box checked green) means that the subscriber is in a grace period, he has come to pause his subscription for 1, 2 or 3 months in case you have set up the unsubscribe tunnel. There is a date of next payment which has been shifted at the end of the grace period and you have the possibility if necessary to lift this grace period ("action cancel pause" from the details of a subscription). If the pause period is cancelled, this does not trigger a transaction but a transaction is programmed on the next billing cycle.
If a subscriber lifts the grace period (cancels the pause) from his account, this does not correspond to a resumption of the subscription with an attempt to collect. If the grace period is lifted, it means that the subscriber will be collected again when renewing their subscription.
How do I filter and export my subscriptions?
Several filters are available from the list of subscriptions to allow you to perform various exports or to retrieve certain information directly from the back office.
You can select :
subscriptions created before and after the desired date* (date on which the transaction was made when the subscription was taken)
subscriptions for a site that you manage
subscriptions that are *active or terminated
subscriptions in grace period = on break for 1, 2 or 3 months (linked to the unsubscribe tunnel)
expired subscriptions = subscriptions where there was a failure to renew the subscription
This allows you to isolate the active AND expired subscriptions for the current month and thus identify your subscribers of the month who will not receive a box because their renewal debit failed.
By choosing this filter active AND expired, you will find the list of subscribers who had a failed debit during the renewal and the subscribers in grace period for whom the next payment has been postponed accordingly.
A Profile filter is finally available to filter your subscriptions according to the answers to the profile questions. This filter is also available from the list of your delivery notes to make it easier for you to personalize your boxes during shipping.
To export the selected subscriptions, click on the Export subscriptions action in the drop-down menu.
How to follow the activity for a subscriber ?
From the subscriber's file, you can find his activity log and see the actions you (or he) have taken, such as :
created_subscription : the customer has subscribed
created_shippingbox: a transaction has been made for this subscription, which automatically generates the delivery order
pause_subscription: the subscriber has interrupted his subscription
enable_subscription: the subscriber has paused his subscription for 1, 2 or 3 months
restart_subscription: the subscriber has resumed his subscription or lifted the grace period
You will find in front of each action who passed it (you or him) and on what date it took place.
Summary diagram of the formulas and subscriptions
Case of a monthly subscription with a billing period from 1st to 10th

Updated on: 24/01/2023
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